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You are here: Home Expert Workshop 1 (3.3.1) Expert Workshop 1 Vorarlberg

Expert Workshop 1 Vorarlberg

When May 14, 2012 09:00 AM to
May 15, 2012 05:00 PM
Where Fire-Station Wolfurt (Vorarlberg/Austria) Weberstrasse 16a, A-6922 Wolfurt
Contact Name
Contact Phone +43 5579 7171 43
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The hotel rooms are booked.

Sternen Hotel
Sternenplatz 4, 6922 Wolfurt
T +43 5574 64 999



Train and Bus

There are several buses (Number 13, 20, 21 and 35) from the Trainstation in Bregenz to the location of the hotel.

Please find the departure list here.

Closest Airports

Business Airport St.Gallen Altenrhein
Flughafenstrasse 11, CH 9423 Altenrhein (Distance 25km)

Flughafen Friedrichshafen
Am Flugplatz 64, 88046 Friedrichshafen (Distance 43km)

Allgäu Airport Memmingen
Am Flughafen 35, 87766 Memmingerberg (Distance 78km)



14th May 2012


15th May 2012

